Friday, June 17, 2011

Being Itunu

I don’t like mama anymore. Did she have to beat me because of that small meat?
Shebi I din’t even take the big one like the kind that she always gives to baba.

Yee… I will sleep on my stomach at night. This pain is too much.

It is like the pain of that time when uncle Uche touched me. When I could
only sit with one bum-bum.

He touched me in plenty places and I did not like it. He said he wanted to
see if there was a baby inside my stomach before he will give me the ice cream.
He made my wee-wee pain me. I could not even sit down well for plenty days…

Should I tell mama? No! Uncle uche said my stomach will get very big like mama’s own if I tell anybody.

I don’t want that. Bunmi will not let me play with her if I have a big stomach and my blue dress will not even size me again.

‘Itunu, what are you doing there? Can’t you hear mama calling you? You want her to beat you again abi? That koboko is still hungry o!’

Segun shouts too much self. He opens his big mouth like a hungry goat and sometimes I can even see leftover akara around his teeth when he is yelling at me.

Is it because he is three years older than I am that he thinks he can shout at me? I too will be eight years old one day…